Jessica Nicole Roberts

Author | Motivational Speaker | Re-entry Activist

"Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean..." 
Ezekiel 36:25


One Woman's Journey From Prison to Purpose

When you lose everything that you once held dear and hit rock bottom, climbing your way back to the top can seem daunting and impossible. For Jessica Roberts, her strong determination, work ethic and belief in God propelled her past her circumstances.

Now Available on Amazon

Jessica N. Roberts

A promising life was brought to a screeching halt and reduced to a ten-year federal prison sentence.

Thankfully, after unimaginable judicial system torture and lies, Jessica Roberts was actually sentenced to 27 months. 

An Author's Interview

Jessica Nicole Robert's (JNR) first book signing to showcase her book was a phenomenal success. We followed her through completion of her manuscript to publication of her book. Along the way, we noticed she was diligently working alongside of us on the launching of her book/brand.

When she sent us pictures from the event, it sparked a conversation that we want to share with the author's supporters and future writers. This journey was one that exemplifies Jessica's drive and determination for excellence.

Congratulations Jessica. 

We're so proud of you!
Iris M. Williams
Butterfly Typeface Publishing (BTP)


BTP: How did it feel autographing books?

JNR: Signing books was a surreal experience. I was proud, yet humbled over how my friends, family, and supporters deemed my signature essential!

Being An Author

BTP: Did you ever dream you'd be published?

JNR: Never in a million years did I dream I'd be a published author! I'm still in disbelief that I wrote Triumphant (with ease) in only five months!

Your Supporters

BTP: What was the best thing about meeting your supporters?

JNR: The best part about meeting supporters was how they received me and my story. It felt like I was giving them something they needed.

Dreams & Goals

BTP: You have an amazing work ethic. Have your sacrifices paid off?

JNR: Indeed they have! Everything I sacrificed, I poured into Triumphant, and the proof is in how well the book has been received.

Future Plans

BTP: What is your vision for the future of Triumphant!?

JNR: My vision for Triumphant is that it sells worldwide and ultimately makes it onto the big screen (a movie)!

Birthdays & Books

BTP: Triumphant was released on your birthday. What significance did that have for you?

JNR: The day was EPIC! It was simultaneously a birthday to remember and the beginning of my legacy!

How Did You Make It?

Many people who read my story ask me,
"How did you make it through that?"
Some say, "I don't know if I could have made it through the challenges you endured."
Honestly, I don't think I was strong enough initially.
However, the things I went through, the people I met, and the many times I had to humble myself, served to strengthen and mold me into the woman I am today.
By God’s grace and a morally sound upbringing, my experience made me better, not bitter. So, my answer to the question of how I made it through is this:


God had mercy!


My family was there!


I put in work!


I followed God's plan!

Reigning In My Destiny

"When you learn, teach. When you get, give." Dr. Maya Angelou

Now that I've gone through the fire, I realize I owe it to those behind me to offer what I've learned. The gifts I've been given are not for me to keep, but to pass on to others. The vehicles I choose are writing, speaking in person, and hosting a podcast.


Book Club Events

I'm available to meet with your group or club to discuss my book!


Speaking Engagements

I'm available to meet with your re-entry organizations or writers conference!

Radio Host

Podcast Show

Tune in to my podcast show as we discuss the topics that interest you!

Book Tour

Since the book's release, Jessica has been busy traveling to different destinations promoting her work. Here are a few photos to represent the events. To see more, visit Jessica on social media!

Mood Music
Atlanta, GA

Author Talk
Ft. Pierce, FL

Book Signing
Ft. Pierce, FL

Re-Entry Health Connection Expo
Atlanta, GA

Book Signing
Claxton, GA

Atlanta Kickback
Atlanta, GA

Contact Jessica

Book Review | Speaking Engagement


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Little Rock, AR 72215, US

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