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From Prison to Prosperity

When you lose everything that you once held dear and hit rock bottom, climbing your way back to the top can seem daunting and impossible. For Jessica Roberts, her strong determination, work ethic and belief in God propelled her past her circumstances.

ATLANTA, GA February 2019 – Jessica Roberts, debuts the release of her new book, Triumphant! Scheduled for release February 2019. The author’s goal is two-fold; she wants to give back to those who need to know they can overcome any obstacle and as a legacy for her daughter.

Jessica’s childhood was uneventful. She grew up in a two-family household with loving parents and a strong value system. Her father/mother taught her that hard work and a strong sense of self were key to a successful life. However, somewhere along the way, Jessica got lost in love and soon found herself caught up in a web of confusion, pain, and eventually served time in federal prison. Her only crime was an ignorance of the law and associations.

About Jessica Roberts
A once promising life was reduced to a ten-year federal prison sentence. Thankfully, after unimaginable judicial system torture and lies, Jessica Roberts was actually sentenced to 27 months. By God’s grace and her morally sound upbringing, the experience made her better not bitter. 

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