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Readers are giving "Triumphant!" 5 Stars

TJ Boyd

"I just finished your book and only want to tell you that you are such a brave woman! I know I couldn’t have survived the way you did! You are definitely an inspiration.!”

A Michelle

“Anyone who knows me knows that I hate reading, but this book written by Author Jessica Roberts … I swear I couldn’t put it down. It was a great read. I always saw Jessica as a strong black woman, but after reading this book, I have a new level of respect for her. Jessica is an amazing woman, and regardless of what lies ahead, she never loses her faith.”

O Brunson

“I started reading Jessica Robert’s book, and wow, eighty pages later, I finally had to take a break. She endured some stuff. The book held my attention the whole entire time. One thing I like so far is that she stayed strong for her daughter. I thought I’d only read a few pages and the rest later, but now I’m on page 85…”

D Gaskin

“I just finished reading Triumphant! In Proverbs, it says to give honor when it’s in your power or hand to do so, and that’s what I’m led to do. I’m not just saying this because I’ve known Jessica since she was a little girl – this book is awesome. I’ve been inspired me in many ways. I’m so proud of Jessica and the way God has blessed her.”

N Williams

“Jessica’s book made me cry, cut a step, then rearrange the shingles up on the roof. A truly inspiring, uplifting, and motivating testimony. I’m so proud of her, and I’m looking forward to the movie based on her story. Yes, I said it because there’s a true message in this book and I know it will change some minds as well as lives. Awesome girl, just awesome! May God continue to bless you and Shyla abundantly!”

Erika R

“I started reading Jessica Robert’s book, and wow, eighty pages later, I finally had to take a break. She endured some stuff. The book held my attention the whole entire time. One thing I like so far is that she stayed strong for her daughter. I thought I’d only read a few pages and the rest later, but now I’m on page 85…”

Butterfly Typeface Publishing


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